Embeddable Widgets: General FAQ

Userlevel 1


In this topic you'll find answers to common questions about the embeddable widgets



What are the embeddable widgets?

Our embeddable widgets are a set of easy-to-install, plug-and-play components that you can embed in pages of your website, using an embed code. They enable you to extend the reach of your community content and enhance your webpages. There are two types of embeddable widgets:


The in-page widget enables you to display community content directly within any page:


The conversational widget floats above the page, right where they need it:


🎮 Questions about behavior


Which browsers are supported?

The embeddable widgets run great on the latest versions of these browsers:

  • Safari (iOS)
  • Chrome (Android)
  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari
  • Edge
  • Internet Explorer 11


📄Questions about content


What happens if no content is found for a page?

The embeddable widgets will not display display if no content is found for the current page - this way, your website visitors will never see an empty widget.


What topics are shown in the embeddable widgets and how are they ordered?

When the widgets load on a page, we automatically run a search query using the title of the page to show a list of topic suggestions. You can configure some basic optimisation of this search in Control.

Topics that are never shown in the automatic search:

  • Trashed topics
  • Spam topics
  • Unanswered questions

Results are ordered by relevance: our search algorithm ranks topics with best answers higher than other topic types; a high number of views positively influences a topic's ranking, and the date since publication / date since last active negatively influence a topic's ranking.

You can also 'pin' specific topics to specific pages and disable the automatic topic suggestions.


📈Questions about data


Can I get data about my website visitors' interactions with the widgets?

At inSided, we measure user interactions with the widget on your website, such as opens and clicks. In the future we will make this data accessible to you through a self-service dashboard.


13 replies

@Frank , hi!

As I understood right, content which is shown in the widget is based on the <title> of the page, yes?

And if page has title in another language, for example, in Russian, will content in widget be in Russian?


Hi @stanislav.fedoseev - filling in for Frank since he’s on holiday at the moment 😉.

As I understood right, content which is shown in the widget is based on the <title> of the page, yes?

That’s correct.

And if page has title in another language, for example, in Russian, will content in widget be in Russian?

There is no specific language filter applied, so it’s not guaranteed the content would be in Russian. However, if searching with Russian keywords it’s more likely that Russian content will be surfaced.

@daniel.boon hi!

Thank you for the information.

And is there any possibility to implement in the widget not only to definite topic but also the whole sub-category?

In Content configuration there is a possibility to configre content depending on the URL. Is it possible to add there a link to subcategory to implement its content?


And is there any possibility to implement in the widget not only to definite topic but also the whole sub-category?

In Content configuration there is a possibility to configre content depending on the URL. Is it possible to add there a link to subcategory to implement its content?

Unfortunately that’s not currently possible @stanislav.fedoseev - at the moment it’s only possible to configure individual topics per URL.

Hi all,

Can I configure multiple widgets? A use case would be:
I want a conversational widget inside my products, but I also want an in-page widget to put inside my documentation, blogs, etc.


Hiya @Rodrigo !

Sure thing, this is definitely possible. 🙂 My only advice would be to avoid having both widgets on the same page, so that you don’t accidentally cause any clashes between the two. But if your plan is to have the Conversational Widget in-product and the In-Page Widget elsewhere, that should be fine.

You might be able to get away with both widgets on the same page as well, but I would definitely recommend testing that first before making it go live in production, just to be safe.

Badge +1

Is content restricted to certain use roles hidden from the widgets? Or is there a way that they login to the widget to see content? IE our knowledgebase is restricted to customers/partners/employees.

What is the limitation of the different types of devices?

  • Phones
  • ipads
  • etc...
Userlevel 1

Can anyone share a link to a site using these widgets? 

Userlevel 3
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Can anyone share a link to a site using these widgets? 

  1. Slido is using it in their main website slido.com
  2. o2 is using the in-page widget on faqs like on this link https://www.o2online.de/service/mobilfunk/
Userlevel 3
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📈Questions about data


Can I get data about my website visitors' interactions with the widgets?

At inSided, we measure user interactions with the widget on your website, such as opens and clicks. In the future we will make this data accessible to you through a self-service dashboard.

Where to find this data?

Userlevel 3
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Hey @revote, unfortunately this data is not available on the Analytics but we can send you this data through our support desk. If you’re interested, please submit a ticket there and I’ll send you this info 😉

Userlevel 3
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Hey @revote, unfortunately this data is not available on the Analytics but we can send you this data through our support desk. If you’re interested, please submit a ticket there and I’ll send you this info 😉

Okay, thanks. I will do it later on, we dont have widget in use yet but we are going to use it and I wanted to find out this analytics question beforehand.
