
Getting " no Route matched with those values " Error Message

  • 18 November 2020
  • 20 replies

Hey guys,

                 I’m new to Insided. I’m getting this error setting up a Zap on a Insided webhook. 

Getting " no Route matched with those values " Error Message

Everytime a community member asks a question, I want the question to sent to our slack channel

I’m using the URL: for the webhook. I’m create a Zap and using a retrieve poll. I’m using basic auth. Key & dedupe key are left blank. Please advice


20 replies


Looks like you forgot to include ‘v2’ in your URL, give this a try:

I did. I get a different error: 

The app returned "Unauthorized".



Progress! Looks like you’ll need to generate a new token. Keep in mind they’re short lived tokens (I think 7200 ms?)… You will probably need to add a step in your Zap to request a new token. I did this recently, looks like this:



Thanks for sharing. I didn't realize I had to setup a token. BTW I don't see insided as an app in Zapier. How do I get to this screen you are sharing.




Ah, this may actual solve your entire problem. Try this link:


The step I showed was for an action that wasn’t included in the native inSided integration

mstone thanks for sharing the link. That worked like a charm. I’m running into a new issue though. The zap isnt showing all the sections in our community site. We created a group for our private-beta-group users. That section isnt showing up in the zap. How do we troubleshoot the issue.



Ah, that’s a good question. I’m not sure if private groups would show up in the Zapier lookup. I’ll have to tag @daniel.boon in on this one :grin:

got it. One other option is if you guys can help me figure out how to use Insided webhooks, I can use Webhooks in Zapier to set it up. 

Thxs again for your support!!



mstone thanks for sharing the link. That worked like a charm. I’m running into a new issue though. The zap isnt showing all the sections in our community site. We created a group for our private-beta-group users. That section isnt showing up in the zap. How do we troubleshoot the issue.

Hey @smandalika - currently private groups and categories do not show up in the picklist for inSided Zapier app triggers. It is still possible to create a separate filter step to trigger topics from private groups or categories if you know the category or group ID (to quickly grab this manually, you can go to Control > Analytics > Content dashboard, filter on a category or group, and then check the URL).


Hi Daniel,

I’m sorry I didnt quite get that. I’m new to Zapier as well. I got the URL to the private beta group:

What do I do next?

Again the intent is to dump evry new post in this private beta to our comapny’s slack channel.



@smandalika Ah, got it - if you want every single post to go to your company Slack channel, then you don’t need to set up a filter. You can leave the fields in the ‘Set Up Trigger’ stage blank.


Hi Daniel,

                  I tried that. Still quite not working. I’m sure I’m missing something. Here are my screenshots



Thanks for sharing screenshots @smandalika - if you press the ‘skip test step’, you should be able to proceed (with some ‘dummy data’ that you can use in the next steps).

Hi Daniel,

               I did that but the problem remains. My Zap for all other parts of the community site is working.Please the 1st 2 screens shots. My Zap for the private beta groups isn’t working. Please refer to the 3rd screenshot.




Thanks for sharing @smandalika - is there any config you’ve done in the ‘Customize New Topic’ step, or is it empty?

nope per your suggestion I didnt set any filters


I’ve escalated this to our support team on your behalf @smandalika - I’m not sure what’s going on, unfortunately! Thanks for your patience.

Thanks Daniel. Appreciate it!!


Hi Daniel,

                 I haven’t heard back from you guys in a while. I still need help to setup the Zap. Any help in this regard will be greatly appreciated.




Hey @smandalika - I’ve sent a reminder to support that you’re still waiting on an answer for this, sorry for the delay!
