
Filtering Subscriptions for Product and Charges Help

  • 5 August 2016
  • 3 replies

We currently have all subscriptions in the Product and Charges field.  "All" is the issue as in it shows all products from all subscriptions whether active or inactive.  Example below.  subscriptions outside of the current active one confuse the data when trying to pull reports.   Any help/ideas would be great!

3 replies

Perfect. Yes you should be able to filter these out via locked filter (always filtered out) or unlocked filter (end user can apply filter)
Hi Dave, want to make sure I understand the question. Do you want to filter out inactive subscriptions? Is this determined based on a date or some other field? Thanks. 
HI Gaurav,  It is determined by a date.  Subscriptions can be active or cancelled but I have reached out to my admin who is looking into further segmenting the data pulling into the GS field
