Embed iframe content in posts

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Hey guys,

A couple of weeks ago I found out a shortcut to embed on the community. This way we could embed Google Maps, Facebook videos, etc. I told Shane how I worked it out:

First, go to Facebook, select the live video you want, and click on the three buttons in the right corner. Here click embed. A code appears (PS. this trick works on all the iframe codes, I also tried it with embedded Google Maps).

Go to the backend of the community, create a new topic. Add a header, and a small piece of text in the body. With only the code, the topic won't be accepted. For example:


https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FEconomicTimes%2Fvideos%2F902127109979445%2F&show_text=0&width=560" width="560" height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"> Click on 'Publish.' You'll see that the post doesn't load the live video. So, go to 'Edit Topic.' Delete the whole text with 'Select All' (do not only select the visible text, you need to delete the by now invisible code as well). Again, type the text you want and paste the link of the live video. Publish again. Voila!

Now, a couple of weeks later, the function disappeared and all the iframes we embedded in previous content has disappeared. Could you please fix this, so we can embed iframes again? Thanks! Bart

Definitely Maps, Google Docs/sheets since Insided does not offer Documentation natively, it is an imp usecase I believe.

Also check this idea Usecase: Documents

@Julian , has this been considered in the near term?

Hmm, I have not heard about this recently, so I would guess there a no concrete plans for now. However, as it has accumulated a good number of votes, and we have delivered on equally popular ideas recently, I am assuming the team has this at least coming up again on their radar soon.

I want to point out that offering such a functionality does come with concerns around security and privacy: Probably we should only offer this only in the backend, as regular users could infuse malicious content into their posts. Also, bare in mind that external embedded content usually also comes with tracking, so it would need to be mentioned somewhere in your privacy statement & also be tied to how the cookies are working. But that is just my opinion from reading this idea.


Agree with you Julian. Not to hijack this thread but the collab documentation usecase is strong for a Community, pl check my other idea.

Our team would benefit from iFraming in exercises in our web tools, demonstrating work done by researchers using our data. 

Our team would love the ability to iframe Google Forms!


I’m also trying to embed, this would be huge if allowed.