Where have I been?

  • 17 January 2022
  • 5 replies



It’s been a little while since I was last here, sorry about that! But I’m back now, hopefully for the long run. Clearly I need to retake my spot on the leader board but trust me. I did it once and I’m sure I can do it a second time. Hehehe.

Anyway, for those who don’t know me, I’m Blastoise186, a forum volunteer who mainly helps out on the OVO Forum, on here (yes, I’m back!) and a few other places. I just happen to be in a lot of places at once so its hard to pin me down. I’m really sorry if you mentioned me over the last few months and I didn’t respond to you. I promise I’ll try to catch up with whatever I missed while I was away!

Over the last few months, I’ve actually been pretty busy not only smashing up the leaderboard on the OVO Forum, but also basically having to erm… “Rescue” another forum from collapse. It’s related to another energy supplier but I’ve opted not to reveal which one as I’d rather not blow my cover. It took up a lot of my free time as I’m still the only volunteer helping out there, so I didn’t have the usual free time for this one. Now that things have stabilised a bit, I’m planning to re-balance things so that I can dominate all three forums at once every day.

As I’ve always said, while I’m not a community manager myself, I always like to help out anyone and everyone where I can and my own experiences as a user have been very enjoyable. It’s just a shame I missed out on a few Julian pranks in the meantime! Oh well. I’ll catch the next one.

Anyway, I will be back properly by the end of this week. My list of threads that I need to review is clearly massive after all and it’s gonna take me all week to catch up!

And by the way, I heard what happened with Gainsight and I want to say congrats on the new ventures! You guys have earned it! :)

5 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +7

I guess it’s time to say goodbye to my #2 spot on the leaderboard… :joy:


I think you’ll have it for a couple more weeks or so at least. :wink:


You guys operate in a different league with Scott Baldwin...

Userlevel 2
Badge +3

Welcome back! :slight_smile: Good to see you have not left us for good. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I've already spotted you helping here and there again, super thankful to have you here. Not just with your knowledge, but also with your (for inSpired) unique perspective of a true super user!

Now I want to see you go rock that leaderboard - I am going to do that as well! I am however happy that we are not competing in the same race. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Haha, trust me, you wouldn’t want to race me! Over on the other side, I’ve almost caught up with Transparent after smashing the place to pieces for just over a year. Boy, does it take absolutely ages to rack up nearly 20k on the inSided platform! XD

But then again… I do have my sekrit tricks…

It also helps when there’s a huge goldmine of unanswered questions to blast through. I don’t spend that much time “utilising” the cheap points. :D

For example, if you assume it’s 20 Points per Best Answer and there’s 231 topics on inSpired that don’t yet have one assigned… That’s 4,620 Points up for grabs. Which is more than enough to completely obliterate the leaderboards. Genius!

And why do you think I create humorous content in the Lounge Area from time to time? It’s amazing what happens when you do that...
