What happened at the inSpired Community Event 2016?

  • 5 December 2016
  • 9 replies

December 1st we had over 120 of you joining the inSpired Community Event! You all participated in multiple sessions and connected with each other over drinks and dinner. Some of you even made it to the after party.

For those who weren't there; we missed you!

If you want to get a glimpse of what happened at the event, below are the topics that were created by Social Inc. during the sessions. Let's keep those conversations going!

We will also look into ways to share the full sessions later on. To be continued!

Hereby we share the first party pics :$

9 replies

Thanks to everyone for an awesome and really well-organised event! 🙂
Great to meet and see everyone last thursday! I hope the event wasn't the end of all these very inspiring conversations! Looking forward to hearing from you guys 🙂
Nice people, great sessions, good Gin... 🙂 thanks!
Thanks to the inSided team for organizing such a nice event. Amazing atmosphere and wonderful people as always.
What a brilliant event, met so many great people and learnt so much! Thank you for inviting us to join!
Good to hear you all had a great time! 🙂

@Jolien, we will share the presentations, but still deciding on how to do that. To be continued!
Looking back @inSpired Event!

We have put the inSpired Photo's online, and I would like to share the video with you that was created at the event.

Good vibes 🙂
It was great, thanks!

Is it possible to share the Powerpoint presentations with us?
Thanks to Insided for organizing such a great an inspiring event! I've learnt a lot during the awesome sessions and met a lot of amazing people!
