Is it possible to add copilot email sends to the 360 page?

  • 26 February 2016
  • 9 replies

I would like to see on the C360 page what emails have been sent to various contacts at an account.  How can we do this so on the 360 page we can know if an account has received a particular email or not.  

9 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +4
This article should help you Lauren.
Userlevel 7
Badge +11
Denise, is there a way to put a link to the template so that the CSM could view the content that was sent?
I agree that this would be hugely helpful!
Userlevel 6
Badge +4
It is a good idea Heather - not something that is possible today.  You can cc the CSM and that way they have a copy in their inbox. (not ideal of course - would be nicer to have a view there)
Thanks, Denise. My understanding of the cc, though, is that it will send a copy of each email sent when it's triggered. If you're sending something to hundreds of contacts at a time, that really clutters up the Inbox. Having another place to easily view what was sent is much preferable.
Userlevel 6
Badge +4
Agree on your point Elizabeth.  Cannot do it today but I like the idea.
Userlevel 4

Hello Everyone,
We are having plans to expose emails sent form Gainsight, will keep you posted about updates on this.

Userlevel 5
Badge +3

In order to get around this, we have a report from the email logs on the C360, and then we are able to apply the permission for CSM to navigate to “Email Templates” but not edit. This allows them to go to the Email Templates section and see what was the correlating email template contained. Its not ideal - but it is a workaround for now

Userlevel 4

Hello All,
We will be launching email from anywhere capability in Q3, post which based on request we can even support email capability from C360 page or any module of gainsight.
