
Live-search = Live!

Live-search = Live!

We're extremely excited to announce that live-search has been enabled for your communities as of today.

From now on when your users start searching they will get a list of relevant results directly below their search query. Live-search comes with an improved algorithm on the relevancy of search results. We enabled this new algorithm last week already to monitor the performance. (we want to make sure live-search brings the best results to your users). We see a slight increase of +/- 4% of users who click on a search results after they performed a search. We believe that adding live-search will increase the click rate on search results even more.

By clicking the 'Search' the user will directly go to the search results page showing the most relevant results. Clicking on a topic in the dropdown will bring the user to the topic (pretty obvious ;))

If a user can't find the information he's looking for he can ask a question to the community, this will bring him to the create new topic page 🙂 For this interaction we made some small tweaks as well. If a user is not logged in and wants to ask a question we will still bring him to the create topic page and then show the login/registration modal. This way the user know what he can expect the moment he has an account.

We hope you're as excited as we are on this new feature. Let us know what you think, or if you have any feedback, in the comments below.
Happy to see this feature! 👍
This is awesome!!

@Yoeri Our analyst found out that live search goes hyperactive when using Chrome's in-browser translation. Perhaps @tom.shaddock can reproduce it? 😅
I will check with Tom 🙂