Ability to post to timeline from anywhere in Gainsight

Related products: CS Timeline

We would love the ability to post to timeline from anywhere in the Gainsight application. Possibly located in the blue menu/search bar, a "+ Activity" option that pops up an activity entry. Obviously, there would need to be fields for Account and Relationship, like you enter for CTAs, but everything else would be exactly the same as any other activity log.

The main reason for our request is that we plan to log a lot of our activity at the relationship level and not as much at the account. While getting to the account is not so difficult, it does take quite a few clicks to get to the relationship timeline. 
Hi Melissa,

We are working towards adding a view from where you can access all activities (i.e. all activities across customers and relationships) and also post to any timeline.

Along with posting to any timeline, we are also thinking of linking an activity to multiple context timelines e.g. you had a meeting with a customer exec and discussed about multiple relationships. You may want to create one meeting activity and link to all relationships instead of adding duplicate activities for each relationships. Do you think this feature will be useful for you? What other capabilities would you like to see in it?

On an another note, have you tried using global search for account and relationships. This may make your relationship search easier.


This is great news and helpful advice!  I like the idea of being able to tie an activity to more than one relationship.  Though not super common, I do see use cases where our CSMs would want to do that.  

And I will look into setting up the global search! I think that would help if it will take us straight to the R360.