Additional Configurations for Previous Score Field

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The Previous Score field should have the option to configure what data it captures. Instead of just capture the data that was last contained in the Current Score field it should have options such as specifically capturing the previous week's score. This would give users additional options to view the data that works best for their team.

Can you elaborate a little bit more on what additional options you would like to be captured along with the score.One of the options could be comment associated with the score. I want to understand the other use cases.


Abhishek S
Hi Abhishek,

We have a variety of workarounds that address this issue in GonG. There are many instances where having last week's score and this week's flattened onto the same record would be valuable. For example:

I want to show which accounts moved into or out of a certain Score range (eg, an executive asks "show me the customers that moved into healthy Habits this past week")

I want to show quarter to date changes in a particular Scorecard (eg, a manager is evaluating/compensating their CSMs based on customer health change over the course of the quarter --- we actually do this with our Habits scorecard in GonG).
