Grant a role based on email domain

Related products: CC Users & Roles


Is it possible to automatically grant a custom role basing on an email mask just at the moment of registration.

Supposed case:

We want to set "Employee" custom role for everyone who registers with our corporate email. It has a domain part . So we would like to realize the following scenario:

  1. An employee are registering.

  2. Platform check his email.

  3. If it is similar to the mask * the platform automatically grants him the "Employee" custom role.

  4. Then he/she automatically is granted an "Employee" rank (I adjusted this already) basing on his custom role.

  5. Then he/she receives welcome PM with some useful links including an Employee guide on working within the community.

Of course, community managers can grant the custom role manually but it's much better to let the platform do it automatically. Sure you realize that managers may sleep sometimes 🙂

So it is possible now, or I should post it as an idea?

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