Emoji reactions for topics, articles, events, etc.

Related products: CC Community

Allow for emoji’s to be used as a reaction to a question, conversation, article, idea, etc. much like you can in Slack. So lame that all a user can do is like something and cannot engage in reacting to content in a more dynamic way.

To add a bit more colour to this, look at how tools like Dropbox Paper, and Slack have essentially trained their users to use emojis/reactions to communicate things like alignment, satisfaction, interest, acknowledgement, surprise, etc.

Also loved the additional idea you had to enable use of custom icons or emojis @Scott Baldwin, as this would help create a more unique community experience/culture based on your brand.

Updated idea status NewOpen

Just to add to this, it would also be helpful to have these options to react to a private message and with that, a notification for when something has been reacted to anywhere in the community.