Assigning a post to a moderator should trigger an email notification

Related products: CC Notifications & Subscriptions

When we assign a moderator to a topic/post, we’d like the system to trigger an email notification to the user. This would be helpful because some of our moderators are product managers and they don’t necessarily login to the control area on a daily basis.

I agree that it us good to email when a moderator is assigned content, like an idea.

What is annoying about the way this was implemented, however, is that even if I assign an idea to myself, I get an email.  I don’t need to be notified about something I did. It creates noise, and makes it harder to find the messages from Insided for when someone else assigned something to me.

Same problem happens with comments. I don’t need an email telling me that I made a comment on some content that I am the moderator for - it’s just noice.

Zendesk does this the right where, where when managing tickets, the person that made the change or the assignment, never gets the email, even if they are CC’d or the assignee of the support ticket.