Text after @mention disappears when adding the metion later than typed text

  • 6 July 2018
  • 5 replies

I may stumbled upon a bug. When you typed some text and you decide to mention someone (with the @ fuctionality) at the beginning of your post, the rest of your post (until the next paragraph) disappears.

5 replies

I experience the same thing - thanks for submitting @Koen Sterken and glad to see this is going to be addressed @Shane1 👍
@Shane1 : You are right. I didn't post it on the forum.. but through support (begin May) with a videocapture. Videocapture link doesn't work anymore.
Hey Niels!

To me this seems like a new issue. Previously the cursor used to jump to the end of the paragraph and now the text after the @mention is disappearing.
Hi Shane,

Isn't'this the same as this one ?
Hi Koen, thanks for informing us about this!

This is a new bug which we will need to look into.
