
Show definition to words / hover dictionary

  • 27 February 2023
  • 2 replies


My Community is for Sales People - they have a lot of jargon they use, but I’m aware that some of my Community members will be new to the industry. I’d love to be able to have optional definitions available for certain words, so that I can use my audience’s language without alienating newbies.

What I’m picturing is being able to set that users can hover over specific words and see the definition in a little modal. Similar to how on some websites there might be a ? next to a field which if you hover over it explains the field. 

Can anyone confirm if this is possible?


Thanks :) 

2 replies

Thanks for the tips, @leo-inspired ! I’ll see if I can make something work from one of the scripts 😀

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Hey @Sophie Lead Forensics,

I haven’t seen this idea before, but it's definitely a fantastic idea to our platform. @Cristina, any thoughts? Should we convert this question into an idea?

Meanwhile, I believe you should be able to accomplish this with a script in your Third-party Scripts section, but this would necessitate some developer work. Here are some examples I found on stack overflow on how to create those hovers: 
