
Is it possible to change the name for embeddable widget?

  • 21 December 2020
  • 3 replies

I have adjusted the settings of the embedding widget. From button to floathing, because hardly anyone knew the button was there and referred to the community. Floating is better my opinion better because it’s more visible! But I don't know how to change the default 'help' text to something else... Is that possible?

I am also curious if I can change the number of topics shown, with the newest topics regarding a specific subject first. 

3 replies


No worries.

I think I might know what happened there as well. By the looks of things, the Trigger Title can only be set if the Trigger Type is set to Button rather than Floating. It’s probably still saved the setting but just can’t apply it right now.

I didn’t see any Ideas open at the moment that appear to be related to this, but I found one that might be close. 


Hello @Blastoise186 

I am familiar with the settings but thank you. I have also changed the text of the trigger, but nothing changes. It still says 'help' instead of 'ask the community’. 


Hey there @Moller Toma !

Would you like some good news? Pretty much all of this is indeed possible. You can’t change the number of topics that show up however, as that’s fixed at 25.

For all the rest however, this topic comes into play. 

If you head into Control and then bring up Integrations > Embeddable Widget Customization, you can change the colours, text and quite a lot besides from there. Once that’s done and saved, the widget should update within an hour or so at most. The topic I linked to has all the details you’re after.
