
Get User Activities Endpoint

  • 19 May 2020
  • 3 replies

Hi guys,


Trying to match ‘Get User Activities’ endpoint results to results from ‘Questions’ endpoint and noticed the topic_id when content_type = ‘question’ is not the same id used in ‘Questions’. How can I join these two? I used an example on our Community to check these were not the same, is this correct? Is this joinable at all? 

3 replies

Hi Daniel,


Thanks for letting us know, was just so I could ingest this without having to use the webhooks as its more work on my side, but no worries, as there is still that option is no problem at all! Thank you :)


Hey @catiasilvestre & @ZapierSteph,


Unfortunately the Get User Activities endpoint can’t be used in conjunction with our questions/conversations endpoints. This is because the Get User Activities endpoint is from forwarded from our old API: we’ve exposed it to enable customers who were using it to easily upgrade to our new API, but the catch is that it’s not aligned with the ‘Community’ endpoints.

Not the best news I know, but I’m interested to hear your use case for the endpoint and what you’re trying to achieve, to see if there’s anything we can advise!

Hey @daniel.boon - Would you or your team be of help to us regarding this? We’re still trying to figure this out. Thank you!
