
Does inSided have any integration with GitLab?

  • 22 June 2021
  • 6 replies


Our developer community currently uses GitLab to share solutions and integrations with one another, and we are looking for a way to integrate activity with inSided. This includes things like federated search, cross-posting updates, and gamification based on activity in GitLab. Is there anything that current exists?


Best answer by Blastoise186 23 June 2021, 22:50

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6 replies

Hi, Tiffany. Currently, we do not have an integration with GitLab.


@Jeanie Lee Thanks for the response. Is this on the roadmap at all for the near future? Or do you know of any customers who have some sort of Zap or workaround? I can ask in the community too!

@daniel.boon might know a little more about a possible Zap or workaround and if a GitLab integration would make sense for the future. I’ll wait for him to chime in. :) 


Heya @tiffany.oda ,

I have good news for you that might make you smile faster than you can say Daniel (assuming Count Julian doesn’t block this with AutoMod stuff!). looks like this is probably what you’re after by the sounds of things. It’s not perfect but it might be able to do at least some of what you’re after, so it’s worth a try.

And what do you know. SkyNet Blastoise has defeated the Daniel Moderation system. XD


@Blastoise186 - I don’t know you personally but you’re constantly saving the day. :) 

I did take a look at the Zapier integrations and I think it’s a great fit for at least the basics! It’ll do, for sure. 

Congrats to SkyNet Blastoise on defeating the Daniel Moderation system. You are the true Pokémon Master.


Well, I'm just a friendly user who happens to know a lot.

I help out on the OVO Forum as a Super User under the watchful eye of @timcavey where I've completely shredded the place to pieces.

I also help out here as well with permission from Count Julian. :)
