
Can the text size in the editor be modified via CSS?

  • 14 July 2020
  • 2 replies

  • Registered User
  • 5 replies

We’re looking to increase the text size in the text editor (where the user writes new topics/replies) from 14px to 16px - so I’ve targetted the element via custom css but it has no effect, due to it being in an iframe and probably not loading the custom css file as part of that page.

Can the text size be changed some other way? There might be a hacky javascript way but it would be neater if the size was able to be set a different way.

Thanks in advance!

2 replies

Hi @Alo - nope sadly not unfortunately, the only way to do this would indeed be via the hacky javascript way where a repeating script would listen out for the iframe load and then apply the css setting once detected.

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I am afraid changes are not possible when it comes to the editor as far as I know. Maybe @tom.shaddock knows if there is any way to do this, but chances are low.

In each case I will take this feedback with when I speak to the product team next time, so that maybe you can change this directly in the settings for your community!
