What (community) events will you be attending this year?

  • 22 March 2017
  • 2 replies

Hi all,

Later this year we will host our Annual inSpired Conference here in Amsterdam! ☺️ Looking forward to seeing you all there again. Soon, we will provide you with more information on that.

For now, I am interested to hear what other events you are attending about communities/social support/engagement/etc. And if you go to an event, what are you mainly looking for? I am curious to hear!

2 replies

Some well-known examples of international events regarding customer support/success are listed in here: http://www.customersuccessassociation.com/calendar/
Hi Denise,

Very much looking forward to the Annual Conference. I'm really hoping we can come and join you again. We are still learning and the last one was such a great opportunity to talk to other customers and share experience, now we are live, I'm sure this years will be even more useful to help us understand what will help our community to be even more successful.

