Moderator quality of life

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Hi all,

This is not an idea, but a thought that sprouted from @Jurgen s topic over here:

In particular this snippet:

There are a plethora of these little frustrations in the back end. Most of the times I just pray to the Insided gods that things will improve over time ... And then sometimes, I just post an idea here XD. There's no huge game changing benefit to these changes though, so I doubt any of these ideas will be picked up.

It stood out to me, as it's something that I find very important.

InSided is a strong platform, and there are numerous benefits and gains from the overall implementation and any upcoming innovations. However it sometimes feel a little bit like InSided is forgetting that there are large teams of dedicated people working directly within the control environment 40h/week to enable, boost and amplify all those wonderful benefits.

All in all, from my perspective, there seem to be some disconnect in what constitutes quality of life of the moderator/community manager who make the magic happen, every day.

Sonos runs a very busy (global) community - there's always something to do from a moderator perspective. (Monday morning we often see 10+ pages of topics that need to be managed.) My team's time is extremely valuable, and their work environment need to be as engaging, effective, and flawless as possible.

Many quality of life aspects are not daily occurrences. For instance, we don't temp ban people often, but it would be awesome to have it tracked/automated so we don't forget. Also, we need to close topics but at the moment, having to manually open topic, untick box, and close a HUGE amount of topics is just not something anyone is looking forwards to. And who haven't tried to mass reply with a copy/paste that gets denied as spam?! Ugh.

"But if they want changes, they can just go suggest them on the InSided ideation board and wait for people to vote". Yes, If they had the time, but they're still digging for that topic that got lost after a merge...

Some changes (in no particular order) that would have an almost immediate change to quality of life for anyone working extensively with the control environment:

  • Allow overview filters changed, after the fact. At the moment, brand new one must be created, every time.

  • Being able to save dashboard filters to check KPIs

  • Highlight topics in the overview based on 'quick' filters "Show me all topics started within 24h" "add topics with 0 replies"

  • Set and save individual moderator overview.

  • Allow for notes on topics and/or posts

  • Previous/next topic when already in a topic

  • Batch close topics from overview (or auto lock) (batch do anything, really)

  • Moderators should -always- be exempt from spam filters, duplicate post checkers etc.

  • Easily access to list of users that have received a warning (Currently only accessible from a topic)

  • Allow for temporary bans, so the team doesn't have to keep track

  • Show email addresses of user in post, to avoid several clicks

  • Save drafts

  • Schedule content, or change the date of a topic

  • See before/after edits to posts

  • Switch from topic to post/replies overview (Instead of topics) for quicker moderation

  • Move a subforum between categories

Overall there are some little daily / weekly annoyances that could 'easily' be avoided with a bit of dedication from InSided's side, and in return make the team more efficient.

Do you have anything to add? Agree or disagree on some of the points?


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