Be Inspired by our Rich Forum Notifications (+ a brief how-to!)

  • 4 January 2018
  • 6 replies

Want rich forum notification e-mails? You can either wait until Insided has built a tool for it later in 2018 or use the phrases tool to edit them right now!

Since the start of this year, the Telfort forum has professional looking notifications featuring its moderators.


"Activate your account" - desktop

"New reply" - desktop

"Reset your password" - mobile

Responsive design is an option.

How to

Some HTML knowledge is required.

1. Open a template you want to start from, like the one your marketing department uses to send Direct Mails.

2. Edit the HTML. Tip: use a tool like JSFiddle to check what the output is.

3. Go to the 'Phrases' section in the Control environment: URL: https:// companyname. insided .com /settings/translation/overview.

4. Search for 'mail' and check the entries in module 'Mail'.

5. The notifications we've updated are "mail.useractivation", "mail.useractivated", "passwordlink", "post_create", "topic_answered", "pm_create", "mail.user.mentioned.body", although a few more notifications are sent.

6. The subject lines of each notification is defined in a seperate phrase.

Disclaimer: right now, we're experiencing some issues in these notifications, which I've contacted support for. I'll update this topic when I've found ways to fix all issues so that you can have a smoother experience.

Also, there's currently no way to measure notification performance. This means that you can't show direct results apart from the look and feel to your company, which is a shame in my opinion. Please vote for my idea to fix this.

6 replies

As promised, some extra tips:

- Minify your HTML (

- Don't forget to add closing tags:

<  /tr>
< /tbody>
< / table>

- Each notification uses its own bracketed code, such as {username}, {mentioned_username} and {author}. Make sure you use the right one(s).
Userlevel 2
Badge +2
Thanks for sharing Jurgen, cool stuff ๐Ÿ‘
This is very cool @Jurgen I think that extra personal element will help convince more people to validate and hopefully get stuck in to the forum.

Shame you cannot track the improvement in this, would be really helpful to be able to see if it has a positive impact, however from a brand perspective it looks great. #voted

Oh no! Is it just me or can the above images not be loaded anymore?
Userlevel 2
Badge +3
Oh no! Is it just me or can the above images not be loaded anymore?

Yes, unfortunately there was a small bug today which caused issues with the images. 😞 But I am happy to tell you that you can see the images now without issues. 🙂
Yes, unfortunately there was a small bug today which caused issues with the images. 😞 But I am happy to tell you that you can see the images now without issues. :)

It works! And on our own forum too. Thanks! ๐Ÿ˜Ž

We'll go back on-topic now ๐Ÿ˜‰
