How to track what individual contacts care about

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We need a better way to track what individual contacts/stakeholders at a customer company care about.

For example:

  • Bob is the CISO and his priority is keeping his company out of the headlines for a security breach, he's also really interested in learning about Product X

  • Stacy is the Director of IT, and she's interested in networking with peers at our events, and finishing their deployment of Product A by 3/31

There's not currently a good way to track these individual's priorities (that I've seen), but it's something we need to solve for.

Any thoughts?
I don't think this is a bad idea.

However, where would this data be coming from? The only way I can see this data being generated is to create this as a business practice for the CSM to collect from interactions with the specific contacts.

If that is the case I think the solution would then be to categorize the concerns into a pick list that the CSM/End User can then fill out as they interact with everyone.

At this point you can then utilize that information in rules/CTAs.
Correct - this would be information the CSM gathers through conversations with customers.  Pick-lists make sense to allow for easy reporting and categorization, but I think there is a need for free-form text as well so the pick-list doesn't require a ton of options.  

Thinking about this broadly though, there is opportunity to enhance how we track the nuances of our relationships with our customers when we have multiple stakeholders we interact with.