Design Update

Article image: design specs and changes

Article image: design specs and changes
As a follow-up of Visual Guide 2.0, We've made improvements to article featured image and updated its design spec. Read on to learn what is changed and how to prepare a good article featured image. :)


1. Article featured image in desktop topic list (Coming up soon)

  • Currently on desktop, article featured images in topic list are displayed in original proportion in a 3:2 container (168*112px). We've noticed some featured images contain a wider visual or long text, which would be cropped quite a lot.

  • What will be changed: To provide a better view, the width of the image container will be changed from 168px to 200px.

  • Action: If you have featured images containing main visual/text, make sure they are visible in the centre. And be aware that featured image will be slightly cropped (10%) on each side in topic list.

2. Instruction of article featured image in control (Done)

  • What is changed: A clearer instruction of the featured image has been added to control on the "new article"-page and on the "moderate topic"-page.

Here are some tips for you to prepare wonderful article images for your community:

* The following guides will be merged to Visual Guide 2.0 after all changes are done.

Article featured image

Where and how would article images be displayed on your platform?

Topic page


Topic list on homepage/search results/category page/etc.


Curated content list on category page


Topic list

What do you think? Leave a comment and let us know your opinion. :)
Nice 🙂 more options!

Will we get a notice an amount of hours before putting this live?

As we will need to plan a check up on our existing articles as soon as its live.

@Ronald Posthumus Yes, I will give an update in this post before change 1 (Article featured image in desktop topic list) goes live in production. 🙂
Hi all,

As mentioned before, the following improvement will be live in 2 days on production. 🎉

Article featured image in desktop topic list

  • Currently on desktop, article featured images in topic list are displayed in original proportion in a 3:2 container (168*112px). We've noticed some featured images contain a wider visual or long text, which would be cropped quite a lot.

  • What will be changed: To provide a better view, the width of the image container will be changed from 168px to 200px.

  • Action: If you have featured images containing main visual/text, make sure they are visible in the centre. And be aware that featured image will be slightly cropped (10%) on each side in topic list.

Just another small reminder:

Change of article featured image in topic list (desktop) is live in production now. 🙂

Hi, quick question: Is this article up to date? I’m asking because of the new topic list views.

Hi @bjoern_schulze ,

Yes, this article is up to date. The image ratio for article image stands the same as before in the new topic list view. :)