Roadmap Update #12

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Roadmap Update #12
It’s here— our latest roadmap update. Over the past few weeks, we’ve been busy working on your ideas and the input that you gave us here on inSpired. We delivered the ability to manage your email notifications and the ability to delete private messages. We delivered a highly voted idea (top 5) around suggesting topics while creating a new topic. We can already see the benefits: 7% of users who want to create a topic looked at one of the suggested topics first. 50% of those users who opened a suggestion first decided to not create a new topic afterward! On average, the number of new questions asked declined by 10%. We’ll keep a close eye on the results as we aim to decrease the amount of duplicated questions and increase the number of people that indicated that a topic was helpful.

Over the upcoming weeks we’ll continue working on your ideas by introducing the ability to save topics as a draft, improve our editor to publish rich articles easily and allow users to get search results from a specific category only.

Alongside that, we will of course continue working on our mission to make it as easy as possible for your users to find content on our platform. Read on to learn more.

Knowledge base categories

  • Following up on the successful delivery of showing knowledge base content on existing (community) category pages, we’re taking things one step further: we will create dedicated Knowledge base parent category and category pages.

  • Knowledge base categories will have an optimized UI/UX, allowing users to quickly find the right articles that will help them to help themselves.

  • Add a knowledge base to your community in which you can easily curate and structure content.

Improved formatting capabilities

  • We’re making some under-the-hood changes to our editor so that it can read and store HTML content.

  • Over time we plan to add additional formatting capabilities such as tables, code blocks, syntax highlighting, inline images, multi-level lists, anchors and more.

Search in categories

  • We will (re)introduce search in categories. This functionality was stripped when we switched to a new search engine some time ago. Based on your feedback and requests we are going to add this functionality to our platform again.

  • When you perform a search on a parent category or category page you will only get to see topics that belong to that (parent) category.

Create draft articles

  • Unfortunately, we’ve had to take away focus from this feature in order to welcome a few more communities onto our branded templates platform, as well as to continue rolling out core platform improvements.

  • We aim to replace the ‘hidden subforum’ workaround for preparing articles with a revamped article publishing flow in Control.

  • With draft articles, you’ll be able to control the publish date of your articles.

Salesforce integration (beta)

  • We’re building an integration so you can gain more intelligence on your community and its impact by linking community members and their activity to Contacts and Accounts in Salesforce.

  • We’re currently running a closed beta - if you’re interested, please get in touch with @daniel.boon for more details!

Core platform improvements update

  • We’re continuing to roll out core platform improvements to all of your communities, and getting ever closer to finishing the job.

  • Once your community has been upgraded to the new version, you’ll be eligible to start using the beta for API 2.0 (containing all key functionality for Conversations, Questions, and Articles), as well as webhooks. Get in touch with @daniel.boon for more information.

  • Thanks again for your patience and continued collaboration—we’re sorry for the delay in finalizing these improvements.

Completed product improvements since the previous update:

I'm really happy with the (upcoming) improvements! Keep up the good work 😀
We can already see the benefits: 7% of users who want to create a topic looked at one of the suggested topics first. 50% of those users who opened a suggestion first decided to not create a new topic afterward! On average, the number of new questions asked declined by 10%. We’ll keep a close eye on the results as we aim to decrease the amount of duplicated questions and increase the number of people that indicated that a topic was helpful.

@Joris Question:

Can we track those percentages ourselves? It would be interesting to see how many users in my community are looking at a suggestion instead of opening up a new topic - and what are the topics they end up reading 🙂
Can we track those percentages ourselves? It would be interesting to see how many users in my community are looking at a suggestion instead of opening up a new topic - and what are the topics they end up reading :)

We now tracked it with internal tooling, but I will ask the team to investigate if we can add Google Analytics click events so you can also track it yourself.