
Setting up InSided (subdomains and SSL)

  • 9 April 2021
  • 1 reply

Hi all,

Part of the instructions given to us for setting up InSided was to create a subdomain and implement SSL.

I can’t seem to find these instructions on here. In any case, we’ve created a subdomain, but need to know what the next steps are for implementing the digital certificate.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

1 reply


Welcome back @rrodrigues ,

It sounds like you’re just getting started with inSided! Could you fill out your forum profile here when you get chance?

I have a pretty neat trick here actually. If possible, you may want to see if you can use Let’s Encrypt. Quite a lot of web hosts support it these days and even have it directly integrated with their control panels. If you’ve got cPanel for example and the Let’s Encrypt plugin is enabled, simply head in there, select all the domains you want to cover and select the option to issue a certificate. From there, getting it generated and installed is automated. It usually takes less than 90 seconds too. :)

Let’s Encrypt is one of the free providers and they auto-renew every 90 days completely free of charge, so that you don’t have to fiddle around with manual renewals. Anything you get from them is just as good as anything else and should work fine. In all honesty, there’s no need to pay for anything fancy - a TLS Certificate is ultimately just a file that sits on a server at the end of the day.

Alternatively, if Let’s Encrypt isn’t available, have a look to see if something else like cPanel AutoSSL is available. That’ll work too and works in a similar way. :)
